Σεμινάρια που αφορούν την αξιολόγηση της μαθησιακής πορείας των φοιτητών

Wednesday Webinars
Enhancing Assessment Practice in Higher Education

March – May 2023 1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)

This series of webinars is being presented by the members of the EAT-Erasmus project, an EU/Erasmus+ funded project aimed at developing resources to support self-regulatory assessment practices in Higher Education.

To learn more about the EAT-Erasmus project, and access our resources (which will be added to considerably over the coming months), please go to our website at: http://EAT-Erasmus.org

Or follow us on Twitter@EATErasmus and LinkedInwww.linkedin.com/in/eat-erasmus 


1st March 2023: Enhancing assessment design, literacy and feedback.
1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eat-erasmus-webinar-1-enhancing-assessment-design-literacy-and-feedback-tickets-557701218357



How can we design our assessments to support the students’ development of self-regulation and independence?

This webinar, hosted by Minho University, will explain the EAT (Equity, Agency, and Transparency) framework. EAT is an evidence-informed approach to enhancing educational practice in assessment and feedback in higher education.  Some of the assumptions behind the EAT framework will be presented, and there will be opportunities to engage in activities involving practical tools to evaluate your own assessment practice at individual or team/institution level.


15th March 2023: Promoting student self-regulation through assessment practices. 
1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eat-erasmus-webinar-2-promoting-student-self-regulation-through-assessment-tickets-559506056677



Self-regulation is a fundamental skill for Higher Education, but one which needs nurturing and supporting in students. How can we promote its development?

This webinar, hosted by the University of Zaragoza, will focus on promoting student self-regulation through assessment and feedback practices in higher education. Cognitive scientist Dario Cecilio Fernandes  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dceciliofernandes will speak about Self-Regulation, followed by a discussion of how to embed these concepts in assessment practices.


12th April 2023: A self-regulation competency framework
1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eat-erasmus-webinar-3-self-regulation-competency-framework-tickets-559508072707



What is the self-regulation competency framework and how can this be used to enhance practice in higher education?

This webinar, hosted by Cardiff University, will give an overview of the self-regulation competency framework and how this can be used to enhance practice in Higher Education. The framework, developed through a review of the literature on self-regulation, aims to provide a series of key benchmarks for learners and educators, to measure the potential impact of learning and teaching practices on the development of self-regulatory skills. The webinar will explain the framework and provide some practical ideas of how to use it as tool to help planning and design of teaching sessions and assessments.  The self-regulation framework can be downloaded from the EAT-Erasmus.org website in different languages here: https://www.eat-erasmus.org/erasmus-training


26th April 2023: Standards of assessment
1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eat-erasmus-webinar-4-standards-of-assessment-tickets-559509777807



How do we design high quality assessments that positively impact student learning gain and develop authentic learning experiences?

This webinar, hosted by the University of Bristol, will explore the features that make assessments high quality. How do we evaluate the impact of assessments on student learning gain and experience?  What metrics can be used to evaluate impact and how do these align with national metrics? How can institutions potentially adopt a quality standards framework for assessment?


10th May 2023: Practical tools for measuring impact of assessment interventions.  
1200-1300 GMT (UK) 1300-1400 CET (Europe)
Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eat-erasmus-webinar-5-measuring-the-impact-of-assessment-interventions-tickets-559512044587



What are the best methods to effectively measure the impact of assessment interventions?

This webinar, hosted by Minho University will showcase a series of case studies on implementing assessment interventions at institutional level and different means of measuring the impact of these interventions on different stakeholders. This webinar will include an open discussion on the best ways to measure impact, and lessons learned from the EAT-Erasmus Case Studies of assessment interventions. How do you know that what you did made a difference?